After you order a pizza, flatten the bottom of the box and use it to sweep up any mess on your floor. When you’re done you can just throw it all away.
Crafts. DIY Projects. Gardening. My List of Lists is a lifestyle blog providing free tips for baking, crafts, DIY projects, holidays, parties, home decor and more.
This one takes more than one day. I do it at home
The cement blocks to raise your bed is NOT a good idea. (1) They’re ridiculously heavy. (2) If you stub your toes, you’ll REALLY regret this choice. Bed, Bath & Beyond (and other sellers) make bed risers than even have built-in electrical and USB outlets!
I work at a university in housing and most places won’t let you use cinder blocks because they’re not stable. If the bed moves at all, they could fall off the cinder blocks and someone could get hurt. Cinder blocks can also damage the flooring depending on what type it is and he student could protentially be charged for that. Just a work of advice. 🙂
This is so so great and helpful great tips, but the cooking in a coffee pot…uhhh…no. But I loved it.
cinder blocks are fine in a lot of places, i don’t know what everyone’s problem is. i used them in a dorm back when i tried college the first time with no problems and usually kids leave them by the dumpster when they move out so they are free. take a chill pill guys 🙂
It’s not like the commenters actually have a personal problem with cinder blocks, it’s just that many dorms don’t allow them.
Turning them vertically would be very unstable and potentially dangerous. Lying horizontally might be okay if school allowed it. But it could still be a toe stubbing hazard. They could possibly be covered with some quilted fabric or felt to make them softer and less likely to scratch the floor.
These are all pretty creative, but along with the cinder blocks, (almost everyone has covered why that isn’t a good idea) I would not recommend putting dryer sheets or ANYTHING on the fan, and to make sure there is always a good amount of clearance behind it. The dryer sheets will make the motor strain in the fan, and that can (and will) cause a fire. It’s creative, but no. Even fans that just end up with strands of your own hair (because you lose some every day, and it doesn’t always stay in your brush or shower) and/or pet fur can burn up. Best to just buy some Febreze, use the fan, keep it clean, and turn it off if you are not in the room.
RE: Your suggestion of cooking foods in coffee pot is a great backup plan if needed. But, Would like more detail. Most coffee pots (or, a carafe a shown in picture) can not be used on stovetop or oven but rather only on a coffee machine. So, how do you do it? I suppose you could just pour boiling water on the food item & let it sit. Or Do you place the food item in the carafe & then just run the water through the coffee maker as you would if making coffee? Then, I presume you would let it set 5 -10 minutes but not long enough to let it get water log? I understand that not all dorm rooms have a microwave. So is this why the carafe is an alternative as opposed to prepping in a microwave using microwave/freezer/& even oven safe bowls for potential leftovers? Or, just boiling over a hot plate and eating from the pan if one of the meal prep goals is to reduced dishes? I’m all for reducing dishes and finding easier and quicker ways. So, would seriously like to know
BTW: coffee carafes come in handy for many things. I’ve saved a couple from old coffee makers & pick up at garage sales & thrift stores. They are great to keep in the refrigerator for cold water, teas & my morning Citrus drink; Cover with clear plastic if desired. Neatly layer single serving Ziploc bags to sit around with fruit or small snacks. The handles & plastic tops can be painted. Even the glass can be painted &/or decorated. Can be used for see-through storage inside cabinets or on countertops. Even going to use a couple as decorative succulent plant planters. Many creative uses. Appreciate all your helpful ideas