If you are on Pinterest or Instagram then you probably view at least 1 blog (or 30) on a regular basis. Do you ever envy these people? I mean you can’t see everything from a blog, but for the most part they are stay-at-home Mom’s making money doing, and sharing things that they love! Well….that can be you! Here are 10 reason why I think YOU should start a blog.
1. You can make a great living. Can you imagine how good it would feel to quit your job, stay home with the kids, and still be making money? Maybe you are already at home with the kids, but want a little extra income each month. A blog can be your solution.
2. It’s fun! You can start a blog about ANYTHING that interests you. Which means that you’ll be sharing ideas with people about something you love, and you can guarantee you will have fun doing it.
3. It’s Social. You can start a blog with your family or friends, or even just use some of their ideas and “feature” them on your blog. You will also meet fellow bloggers through social media and other outlets, and can build some great friendships.
4. Express your thoughts and feelings. We all know that we should journal and record experiences, but most of us never do. I’m not saying your blog should to be a journal of your day to day life, but writing down your thoughts and ideas can be really therapeutic and healthy!
5. Build your confidence. When you get positive feedback on your blog it can really give your self esteem a boost, and remind you that you really are doing good things and making a difference!
6. Sparks your creativity. I promise as you get going even when you’re not blogging your mind will start thinking about good ideas to blog about. It will bring out a side of you that you didn’t know you had.
7. Helps you become a problem solver. There is no handbook for writing the perfect blog and how to solve all the problems. Since that is the case sometimes you will have to search Google, and other sources and figure out how to fix your problem. It may take a little while, but when you fix it on your own you will realize what you are capable of!
8. You are your own boss. You choose your hours, and you work from home.Blogging can be a full time job or or a side hobby. What you want to get out of it totally depends on you!
9. Free stuff! As your blog gets bigger, and has more traffic people will start asking you to promote their products on your site, and when they do that they give you free products and perks!
10. There is no reason not to! I can’t think of a downfall to starting a blog, so let me know if you have any!
If you are interested in learning more about starting a blog, check out my post!
Thank you for this. I’ve been procrastinating for 3 years now that I’m gonna start a blog. I’ve used a lot of excuses….I don’t know social media, I need to read & follow other bloggers to see how they do it, I need a new laptop.
Well you know what happened? I got 3 years older. I’ve done all my research, got a new laptop and I even finally decided on a name.
So I’ll be finding a platform, picking out a theme and set a goal of Jan 2017. As a “mature” blogger my topics will be different than preschool & first home. But I hope there’s a market for my time proven life thoughts. I’ll be following you! For helps.
So how is it going with your blog. I am in the throngs of starting one myself.
Things are going well, thank you! Best of luck to you