Aren’t vacations just the spice of life? Unfortunately, with a fun vacation can come a hefty price tag. And what if you can’t get the approved time off of work? You have a weekend retreat at home, of course!

Add a few of these relaxing home additions in the areas that you spend the most time, and watch your home turn into your personal sanctuary!
Pssst…these weekend retreat at home ideas do require some planning and DIY work. Which really isn’t very relaxing. You can always hire out, or do it yourself and reap the relaxing rewards! Scroll for more.
Weekend Retreat At Home Ideas

At Home Spa
Remodeling isn’t as daunting as it seems! Read up on how you can update your bathtub here without spending major money. A quick coat of the right paint will cover up ugly tile, too!
If you’re looking to steer clear of a whole DIY project, you can easily update your bathroom with a few lush plants and a few new towels. Don’t forget the candles!

Backyard Beach
Eating outdoors is just something you naturally seem to do on vacation, so incorporate that back into your home with a few yard updates that will make you want to spend all day outdoors. Learn how to make a unique DIY patio furniture set here, your own hammock here, and a fire pit here. After a weekend of DIY work, you’ll have a backyard that brings you to the beach!

Lavish Landscaping
Speaking of gardening, don’t resorts just have the most lush landscaping? Everything is so vibrant. Work with the climate in your area to create a front or backyard garden worthy of a spot in BHG. You could add a DIY water fountain for spa-like serenity and a few exotic plants to give your backyard that “resort” feel. Head to Bees and Roses for all things gardening and landscaping! She has the best tips!

Make a Movie Theater
Indoors, or out! Watching a movie on the couch is one of the best things to do after a long day at the pool or in the backyard! You can make a movie screen almost anywhere with a white sheet and a projector. With enough blankets and several bags of popcorn ANYWHERE can feel exotic!
I like the idea of having my own “movie festival.” Pick a theme, and spend three days watching your favorites that fit the theme!

A Reading Book Nook
If your favorite thing to do is get lost in a book, spend your weekend retreat at home curled up in a reading nook! Bright colors like these are said to keep you focused longer, and they’re pretty to look at. Add a few plants for improved air circulation!

Infuse Your Kitchen!
When retreating at home for the weekend, make it a point to stay hydrated! Fill your glass pitchers with ice cold water infused with mint, strawberry, blueberries, or lavender. Just to name a few! Sources say that if you make your beverages look pretty, you’ll be more inclined to indulge yourself. Getting hydrated is never a bad thing, and the colorful pitchers would look cool on a counter or in a fridge. I mean, since all of the resorts do it…;)

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