Caring for your houseplants can be extremely difficult, so use this houseplant care guide! Some like it hot, some like it cold, and some like to be tucked away in a corner with virtually no sunlight! If you kill pretty much every houseplant you touch, this guide will help you keep yours alive! At least a little longer than you usually do…
There isn’t a specific watering frequency that works for all indoor houseplants, so use the foliage as a clue of it’s watering needs. Plants with waxy leaves need less water than lush, thick leaves. In other words, waxy succulents such as the string of turtles plant won’t need NEARLY as much water as an indoor fern. Use your finger to test the soil and water enough so the soil doesn’t become discolored or cracked.
Water is everything, isn’t it? Never shock your indoor houseplants with water that is too hot or too cold. Instead, always water plants with room temperature water. Water that is ice cold will shock your plant into thinking it’s wintertime!
Always choose pots with good drainage! Look for plants with a small drainage hole in the bottom, and always remember that clay pots absorb more water than a plastic or metal one would. Pots will good drainage help prevent root rot in plants!
If you notice plants leaves looking a little dry, try upping the humidity in the room, rather than the amount of waterings!
Are you keeping your houseplants in an area that is receiving adequate sunlight and being kept at the correct temperature. A general rule of thumb is to give flowering plants between 12-16 hours of sunlight per day. Foliage plants need 14-16 hours of sunlight. Use florescent lights if necessary!
Once you have picked out the perfect spot, your houseplant shouldn’t be moved! Moving the plant suddenly may have a poor effect on the foliage coloring and the health of the plant.
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