When we are working around the clock in this day and age, it gets difficult to manage things around the house. Everything is messy at home, and every item’s price is ridiculous in the market. On top of that, harmful chemicals are added to everyday use products that are hazardous for health. For instance, cleaning products available in the market might get a spotless surface; however, they are highly unsafe if they come in contact with the skin directly. In this article, we will discuss how we to make generic OxiClean alternatives that are effective and highly cost-effective at the same time.

Generic OxiClean – But Why?
Generally, we bump into the term “Generic” during visits to the hospital. However, it is not limited to medical emergencies. Generic means anything that is unprocessed and free of toxic chemicals.
Generic OxiClean alternatives are the need of the hour right now. Now that we are exposed to so much toxicity in the air, it is important now more than ever to cut back on everything that is posing unnecessary damage to you and your family. (And who complains about saving a few bucks, right?)
Preparing generic cleaning alternatives might take some time, but it is so worth the wait. We have come up with three recipes to smash the cleaning giants OxiClean, Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda, and Bar Keepers Friend.

OxiClean has numerous infomercials that contributed to its immense popularity. But, unfortunately, everyone who has watched these infomercials thinks that it is a detergent when in reality, it is a non-chlorine bleach that can clean stains before you know it.
This product has sodium percarbonate that is considered to be a highly concentrated, white substance. Therefore, it says on the packaging that customers are supposed to use only ½ cup of OxiClean during laundry.
This product, while effective, poses harm to anyone that comes in direct contact with it. It releases oxygen into the air that sucks the stains out of clothes.
Instead of using this product, you can get oxalic acid that is guaranteed to be 99.6% pure. You can also use two tablespoons of sodium percarbonate as it removes the stain then and there and does the job just as same as OxiClean, except it’s more of a generic OxiClean cleaner now. The only difference is that it is cheaper. Mix it with water and let it sit for a while. Then sprinkle some on brazen stains, and they will be off in no time.

Bar Keeper’s Friend
Bar Keeper’s friend contains oxalic acid that might seem like something you should avoid. However, it is not highly dangerous. In fact, the Bar keeper’s friend is all about oxalic acid, and it performs the job just fine. Similarly, Zud, an effective cleaner, also includes Oxalic acid.
However, if you want to save money, just invest in Oxalic acid. As it is concentrated, make sure to wear hand gloves while using this ingredient.
You can also make an oxalic acid paste and acid wash to remove stains from wood. It can a quite a daunting task to clean the wood; however, if you know the trick, it might just become the easiest thing, all while saving money!
How to Prepare Cleaning Alternative for Bar Keeper’s Friend
Oxalic Acid Paste
Step No. 1
Make a paste by mixing Oxalic acid with water. Keep stirring until it is completely mixed. Let it sit for a while before applying it to the wood surface. The flow of the water can leave brazen stains on your wooden furniture that are hard to remove. But not anymore!
Step No. 2
Apply this paste on the surface of the wood little by little using a paintbrush. Don’t cover the entire piece of wood at once; otherwise, the bleach won’t reach inside. Instead, only apply on the stained parts and let it dry for a while.
Step No. 3
Now, remove the paste using a sponge. Try rubbing it with forcefully so that it comes out easily. Don’t use the sponge again. Throw it out.
This Oxalic acid paste is highly effective when it comes to removing stains from brazen surfaces. Easy to make, easier to remove! You don’t have to spend a fortune on cleaning. It is now easier than ever!

Oxalic Acid Wash
Step No. 1
If you don’t want to deep bleach the wooden piece, you can apply it with a coat of oxalic acid wash. It doesn’t deep cleanse the piece, and you can cover the entire surface in one go.
If the piece of wood is small, mix one ounce of Oxalic acid with one small cup of hot water. On the other hand, if you have a larger piece of wood, mix eight ounces of Oxalic acid with one quart of hot water.
Step No. 2
Apply the oxalic acid wash on the entire piece of wood. Don’t leave any trims or corner pieces; otherwise, you won’t be able to achieve the desired look. Once you have covered all the bases, let it sit for a while as it dries.
Step No. 3
As soon as it dries, take a sponge and remove the oxalic acid wash from the surface of the wood.
Something to Remember
Oxalic acid is 99.6% pure. Be cautious while using it, as it can be really corrosive. Make sure to wear hand gloves at all times and be on the lookout. Follow the instructions written on the box carefully.

Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda is an excellent cleaner, but it is a bit expensive. Since it is always in demand, it is harder to come by. It has sodium carbonate that finishes the job immaculately. However, the price range is very high – something not everyone can afford.
Therefore, it is important to have a generic OxiClean alternative for this that does the job and doesn’t take a heavy toll on your pocket.
One thing that is note-worthy about sodium carbonate is that it also goes by the name of Soda Ash. When called out, it is available at a much cheaper price. It has all the Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda qualities – looks the same, feels the same, and finishes the job just as immaculately as it does. If everything is just as same, why should we pay more, right?
You can easily make a homemade detergent using soda ash.

How to Prepare Cleaning Alternative of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
Homemade Detergent
Step No. 1
Take an empty container and mix equal parts (¾ cup) of soda ash and borax. Stir repeatedly so that it settles down.
Step No. 2
Take three cups of water and add them to the mixture. Keep stirring as the bubble forms. You should not be concerned as it is part of the process.
Step No. 3
By closing the lid, shake the solution vigorously until all the ingredients are dissolved completely. Keep shaking it. None of the ingredients should settle down. Once they are dissolved in the water completely, let it sit for a while. Keep stirring every couple of minutes so that none of the particles is left.
Step No. 4
Add any dishwashing liquid into the solution and fill the container with tap water until it reaches its limit. This will dilute the mixture and help it perform better without harming your skin.
Final Word

Preparing generic OxiClean alternatives that are way cheaper than those available in the market is fun as well as tricky. You need to be careful with the acidic substances as they can react with your skin. Once you find the perfect substitute for these products, cleaning becomes easier and cheaper. These generic OxiClean recipes and methods will ensure that you’re able to keep your house clean and tidy without having such products burn a hole in your pocket. Whether it’s cleaning your living room or your home-office space, these cleaning products have you covered.
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