I recently discovered that baking soda is my new best friend when it comes to housekeeping and even health. Take a look at this impressive list of ways to use baking soda besides in baking!
1. Treat Bee Stings. To relieve painful stings, create a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the affected area.

2. Relieve Sunburned/Itchy Skin. Add baking soda to your bath for relief!
3. Remove Hard Water Spots and Tough Soap Scum. I used this trick just today, and it worked like a charm! I poured some baking soda on a cleaning pad and then poured a little vinegar on top. I scrubbed away at those soap scum stains I’ve been trying to get off FOREVER, and they came off like magic! It worked in the sink too!
4. Clean Sweat Stains. Don’t get rid of that favorite shirt until you try this—make a paste with baking soda and water, let sit for an hour, then wash in the washing machine.
5. Clean Your Toothbrush. For a toothbrush that is starting to look a little on the nasty side, soak it in warm water and baking soda overnight, then rinse out.
6. Remove Goo. Get rid of gooey residue with a baking soda/water paste and wiping it away with a warm cloth.
7. Clean Off Microwave Crusties. Got hardened gunk in your microwave? Put a couple of teaspoons of baking soda in a bowl of water and microwave it for about 4 minutes and then let it stand in the microwave for a minute. Remove the bowl, and the gunk should wipe off easily with a warm cloth!
8. Deodorize Your Refrigerator. Freshen up the fridge by keeping an open box or container of baking soda inside.
I hope you found these tips helpful! Time to buy the Costco size baking soda box!