Most people think Sharpies are only for school and work, but they’re not! You can actually use them for all sorts of arts and crafts project around your home or office. Here are just a few of these awesomely clever things you can do with a Sharpie.
This may seem like it doesn’t work, but you can actually do some awesome pillow art with a Sharpie! Just take plain pillows and spice them up with a work of art. You can use rubbing alcohol to smear the colors a bit and make it look like a watercolor.
You can make some awesome furniture with a few Sharpies and a bit of creativity. A simple colored chair can be a canvas for a masterpiece that you can keep in your home. Polka dots are a great choice, but you can really do whatever you want.
Add even more colors to your flowerpots by sprucing them up with some Sharpie art. You can do a fun and creative design, or write your favorite quote about gardening on it.
Why keep a boring old lampshade around when you can spruce it up? There are tons of ideas for this, so find some ideas online and go for it. Choose some Sharpie colors that match the rest of the room so everything ties together.
Take your sunglasses to the next level with some awesome Sharpie decorations. Take time to plan it out (especially if your sunglasses are expensive) and then work your magic. The best part about this is that you can buy cheap white sunglasses and make a bunch of different pairs.
I think decorating bowls with Sharpie art is such a great idea! You can express your creative side while making your dinnerware look so much better!
If you’re looking for some nice and creative decorations, then consider zenstones. They’re pretty much normal rocks that you’ve decorated with Sharpie art to provide a peaceful and tranquil setting to any environment.
Instead of zenstones, you can also make message rocks for your home or yard. Just take a Sharpie that’s a color you like and write a cute or fun message on the rock. Put it somewhere for your guests to see and you’re good.
Make your Christmas ornaments dazzle even more by adding a little bit of Sharpie flare for them. You can decorate
This may seem like a silly idea, but do some fun Sharpie art on twisty ties. This is really fast, and it gives you a great way to wrap up and seal presents or gifts you may be giving.
If you’re feeling a little daring, then try your magic on some Sharpie wallpaper art. I wouldn’t suggest this for a main room (unless you’re really confident in your skills), but for a small bedroom or rarely used bathroom, you could give it a try.
I love buying plain dishes from the store and then making them look fantastic through a Sharpie project. Not only that, but this is also a fun activity to get the kids involved in and will help them keep track of and take care of their dishes when done eating.
I’d never thought of this before, but if you want to add a splash of color to a room, then Sharpie the doorknob.
If you’re going to send out invitations sometime soon, there’s no need to spend a fortune on fancy envelopes. Instead, buy plain envelopes and then decorate the inside (and outside) of them with fun designs and colors.
Whether it’s your coffee mug or an everyday cup, spice it up with some Sharpie art! You can do a fun or silly design on the cup, just do something that you’ll love.
Make a room pop with color or style by using a Sharpie to add an artistic design to the light switch. You can draw a scene from your favorite book or movie, or just have fun making an abstract and creative design.
Add a personal flare to generic gift tags by decorating it with a Sharpie. You can draw a fun design, or use a fancy script to spell out the person’s name. The options are endless!
This is another hefty project, but it can look great if you pull it off. Plan a design and then transfer it onto a plain rug. You’ll probably want to use a ruler and take a break every now and then so the design can look great.
You don’t need to spend just as much money on a present’s giftwrap as you did on the actual gift! That’s absurd. Instead, buy plain (and cheap) giftwrap and then decorate it with your Sharpie art.
No need to settle for a boring and generic store-brought umbrella. Instead, buy a plain or clear one and then decorate it with Sharpie designs! You can draw cute cartoon characters or try your hand at abstract designs.
You can really add some style and personal touch to your home by taking a Sharpie to the curtains. I wouldn’t go too crazy on the design (you don’t want your living room to look like Wonderland), but a simple and elegant pattern will do.
Try your hand at decorating your phone case! It doesn’t require much time or money, but you can make your phone personalized and stylish.
Can’t find a picture frame that fits the style and color you’re looking for? No problem! Just find one that’s the style you like and use a Sharpie to make it the pattern or color you want. What a simple solution!
You can make your own artwork at home with a canvas, Sharpies, and some time and imagination. Choose which room you want to hang it in, match your Sharpies to the colors, and then go to town!
Don’t ever step out of your home with a plain and boring pouch or purse ever again! If you don’t have a great purse, don’t worry about it! Just take an old and plain one and make it brand new with some Sharpie designs.
I love this idea. If you have white shoes, spruce them up with a great Sharpie artwork. If you’re really good at this, you could even make a little side business at drawing customized designs on people’s shoes.
For plain jewelry, you can make it look better with a Sharpie. This works really well for beaded necklaces since you can color each part individually.
Be a little artsy and decorate your nails with a Sharpie! You can combine multiple colors to get a fantastic scape of hues and patterns. Plus, the designs are easy to do and dry way faster than traditional nail polish.
The only question I have is how to make sharpies permanent on all these different surfaces? Is there something you can spray on plastic surfaces? Really like the rug.
i like it so much good job.
I know sharpies are permanent markers, but could I wash a dish if I use a sharpie on it without it coming off?
Absolutely! The trick is to bake the dish with the sharpie on it to help it cure and then you’re good to go
What temperature and for how long?
30 min at 350 degrees
Where are the other 17, though?
There are multiple per slide? If that’s what you were wondering about.
Is it better to use ceramic or porcelain?
I think it’s better to use ceramic!
How do you make it not fade when washing on cloth ?