Dream a Little Bigger suggests attaching a magnet to the bottom of your favorite hammer. That way, you can always keep some nails handy. I can’t believe no one has thought of this before! It seems like all hammers should include this feature. The good news is that it’s easy enough to do it yourself!
enjoyed your tips. Thanks
Wonderful idea! I’m always dropping my nails, this hack will help me find and pick them up easily.
I glue magnets on many things but never thought of this.
Thanks so much
I would not recommend putting the Legos in the washing machine, this can break the machine. Use the dishwasher instead!
Just dunk them in hot soapy water, up and down several times ans hang to dry.
You provide several great tips! I especially like the soup can hack, the tongs for squeezing lemons, and the magnet for the nails. The soup can box will definitely help free up space in the pantry.
Love all your tips they are just what I needed
Absolutely splendid